What’s MuttScrub About?

Well when our dog developed a skin issue – an itchy, aggravating, skin issue – we immediatelywanted to help her out & started looking for an anti-itch shampoo. 

What we quickly noticed was that most of the popular “anti-itch” products for dogs contained ingredients that had potential severe side-effects.

I’m sure many of you are like us. We didn’t want to take that chance.

Our Most “Pup”ular Kits!

Pawsitively Soothing Kit!

People are raving about our Pawsitively Soothing Kit!

Fix your dog’s itchy skin with our all-natural shampoo, healing cream, and deodorizing spray. Made with all natural ingredients, these products will have your dog smelling and feeling great!

New! 50 Shades of Spay Kit

Maximize the healing potential with our Pawsitively Soothing Itch Relief Kit. This kit includes a large bottle of our Shampoo, 2 oz of our healing lotion and 8 oz of our refreshing spray.

New! Paw-Zac Anxiety Spray!

PawZac is one of my favorite natural solutions for dogs with anxiety. If your dog suffers with anxiety while traveling, thunderstorms, vet trips, or even from being alone. This special blend of 100% therapeutic grade essential oils is amazing at relaxing an anxious dog.

Stay in the loop!

Keep up to date on all things Muttscrub and the best ways to keep your dog itch-free!


We offer two pup kits: Pawsitively Soothing and 50 Shades of Spay. 


2 formulas – one for itchy doggos and one for regular skin! 


Spritz these in between baths. 2 formulas available!

Healing Cream

A healing balm that works wonders on irritated skin!

Funny Dog Memes That Will Have You Rolling

Funny Dog Memes That Will Have You Rolling

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